Monday, August 20, 2007

Day 36 7/8/07

A Day of Packing Up!

A few days ago we were all a little freaked out about the bombing attempts and 7/7/07, which made us all a little anxious to go home; however, I don’t think anyone is truly ready today. Our whole flat got so close this trip and we really lucked out getting to all live together. It is shocking how little drama or tension there was between us all seeing that we have spent 24/7 with each other for the past year, especially these past 5 weeks. I am really going to miss having these girls around all the time and having the guys there across the hall. It was funny though because there was definitely more tension and minor hostility between the guys then there was ever between us girls. It took me a whole day to pack but that’s cause I kept putting it off. Tomorrow we are leaving for the airport early because of all the heightened security.

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